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The only thing that is good in me is Jesus. I am a wretched sinner. I run from Jesus; I try to do life on my own; and my heart is dirty. When i see the prostitutes in Nana and Pat Pong I see myself. I want love too. I too want to provide for my family. The only thing that separates me from these girls is Jesus. He is the reason I have joy, hope, peace, faith, and love.

It's hard to see the women give themselves away like that. It's hard to men point to a girl marked only with a number, not a name and pay for a few hours with her. It's hard to see Western men come halfway around the world to satisfy a desire. It's hard to see the hopelessness in the girls' eyes. It's hard to see Bangkok like this.

But it doesn't stop there. Jesus is over this city. God loves Bangkok and He will see that change will come. He promises us in Habbakuk 1:5: "Look among the nations and see; wonder and be astounded. For I am doing a work in your days you will not believe if told."

Jesus is so gracious– He is allowing us to be a part of change and restoration. He uses us, filthy sinners, to see that Bangkok is transformed… all the while transforming us.

Photo by Connie Rock.