
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

By Jennifer

Last year I attended this particular Adventures in Missions trip to Thailand and was truly

impacted! Feel free to read about my experience from 2013 posted in a earlier blog.

I must also give you all an update on “Beauty”, or in my 2013 blog I called her “Pretty.”

Well, not only did she stop working in the bar, she began to work at Rahab Ministries for

a few months! Today, she is working in another village as a car saleswoman!! Hearing

stories like this truly speak to the power of prayer and building relationships, which this

Thailand trip encourages its participants to do. We must also remember, that some will

plant, some will water, but its always God who receives the increase and all of the glory!

One of the things I love most about this particular trip to Thailand with Adventures in

Missions is the focus on spiritual awareness, discernment, and prayer. Prayer is how we

as Christians communicate with our Father and how we hear Him communicate with

us. Although this is an open line of communication, it’s often taken for granted and not

utilized amidst the hustle and bustle of life in the states. Here there is no room to take

this for granted because everything we do must be done prayerfully as the Holy Spirit

leads us. Things happen when we pray! This trip really stretches your ability to believe

that because from the surface, you wonder if change is really taking place.

From having attended this trip back in 2013, one of the things we consistently prayed

for is for the hearts of the business owners will be for Christ. We pray that one day the

entire strip of bars would be replaced with integral businesses with owners that love

God, and contribute back to their communities. This year my visit to Patpong Red Light

District looks “same same,” but different. The signage on the bars is usually lit up and

you can’t miss their lustful and derogatory names as you walk down the street. This year,

there aren’t many signs lit, and there aren’t many tourists walking the streets. Many

of the bars have been shut down due to the current political unrest in Thailand, and

an enforced curfew. Seeing this occur is a bittersweet feeling. We are happy that there

aren’t as many people partaking in what goes on in the bars. However, when we build

relationships with women who work in the bars and vendors we learn for many of them

this is their only source of income; this is their livelihood. Many are in fear of how they

will now take care of their families. In the midst of this uncertainty, we as believers truly

must trust God and this process. We can only pray that this is a process that God has

allowed so they can be more open to hear and receive a message of Hope. This message

is the Gospel of our Lord Jesus. I pray that in their desperation to take care of their

families that their hearts are softened as the AIM Thailand Team endeavor to share

God’s love.

I believe that this is a great turning point in the ministry that has taken place over the

years in Thailand. Do you dare to believe with me? Do you dare to believe that God is

working in the midst of political unrest, and uncertainty amongst the Thai people?

John 14:12 -14, “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do,

he will do also; And Greater Works than these he will do; because I go to the Father. 13

Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the

Son. 14 If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it.”

Photo by Connie Rock