
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

When asked to write about my time in Bangkok, I wasn't very excited about it. I'm just not a writer, and honestly, I wasn't completely sure what I felt about Bangkok. There was something I was sure of though… I was FALLING!

On day 1, I stepped outside of our guesthouse, and after taking a few steps, I face planted! I'm naturally clumsy and while my body was getting acquainted with the pavement, I began to think that this was not a good start to my time in Bangkok.

Later that day I reflected in my quiet time on my fall, and I felt God saying that the way I fell in the physical I needed to fall in the spiritual so that He could catch me.

This word changed everything for me. The Holy Spirit impressedon me that I didn't need to go in the bars, but instead my role was to love on the children and pray. My beautiful team leaders encouraged me to be obedient and practice actively listening to God's direction.

So my time in Thailand is about falling into the arms of Christ. As I fall each day, He gros me in obedience so that I can truly serve in love and let Him receive the glory. This blog is me falling, trusting God to lead me through the things that I may not necessarily be comfortable with.

On a side note, please pray for the children who are in the bare area and surrounded by darkness. Pray for protection, pure love to be showered on them, and for their basic needs to be met.

*Photo by Kristen*