
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

It's Monday afternoon here and we still haven't seen any water! That doesn't meant the reports on the news aren't serious for other areas of Thailand, but we praise God that where we are is dry. This has been a great connection for ministry… seeing people preparing for the flood, asking/receiving permission to pray for them, and then returning to see how they are doing later.

The truth is that the government is doing everything they can to divert water from the city center (where we are), because it the heart of commerce and government in Bangkok. And while this is good for us, it means that the water is being diverted into residential areas… so homes are being affected/damaged. Please be praying for the people of Thailand; it is a serious problem for so many.

Still, we praise God that we are able to go out and do ministry. Here is an account of our flood watch, of things we've seen on the streets.

Friday… No water yet!

Cases of water stacked outside of 7eleven:

Saturday… still no water!

A stand on the street selling floaties, rafts, and rain boots.

The Travel Agency adjacent to our street, where Connie met the owners one night and prayed with them, that their business would not be damaged by water. Since then, they've finished their sandbag wall and even built a small cement wall around the outside of their building. When we returned the next day to see how they were doing, the man thanked us and Connie was able to say that God was answering our prayers. The man was very grateful and asked to have lunch with us and the team sometime this week. Please be praying for him as he and his wife hear about Christ!

The Parking Deck at the airport on Saturday night. The cars are quadruple-parked, completely blocking each other! We think people left their cars here for safety… I would hate to be one of the people in the "legal" spots, because their cars could be there for weeks!

Sunday… Team 2 (minus Meghan) standing knee deep in… the shade. 🙂

More and more sandbags in front of stores. It's gotten to where you have to climb to enter most buildings.

The Beer Garden in Pat Pong. The first picture was taken last week, when it was busy. This is the same restaurant last night. This is great news! Each night Pat Pong seems more and more empty, because the floods are keeping "customers" away, giving the women and men a break!

The team on Monday morning, greeting blue skies and dry pavement beneath their feet…


A sign from the market, words of advice to live by. Always remember…

*Photos by Connie Rock and Kristen