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Thoughts & Inspiration

Lately I’ve been wondering where I can help God’s people. Yes, I understand I am on a missions trip, but unfortunately, at this point in my life God has not called me into long term missions. I know that everywhere is a missions field,  but I still struggle with what I am doing with my life.
I have been a hair stylist for five years and I love it. I have the most amazing clients and am truly blessed. Over the past couple of months, I have been asking God, “What if?” What if I go back to school, what if I don’t do hair, what if I can’t spread the love of Christ at the job I’m at now. I kept praying and didn’t get an answer… until a few days ago.
The other day, our team met with Rahab ministries, which takes the girls out of the bars in Pat Pong and gives them jobs, which enables them to provide for themselves. The facility has a salon in it and teaches the women how to cut hair. But it hasn’t been used in a while due to lack of customers for the women to work on. When they found out I was a hair stylist, one of the women asked me to cut her hair.
After figuring out what she wanted, I began to cut her hair, and I felt God’s presence so strongly. At that moment, I realized that God gave me this gift for a reason – that I can do missions doing hair. Being able to cut her hair was such a blessing for me. I was able to do something for her that wasn’t a big deal for me, but it meant a lot to her… she hadn’t cut her hair in over two years!
Seeing her smile the smile on her face reminded me why I cut hair and why God gave me this gift.
The truth is, you don’t have to be on the missions field to make a difference. You don’t need to be a doctor, an activist, or a lawyer. God gives us all gifts to bring glory to himself. Everyday is a chance to make a difference for someone and shine God’s light.
Thank you, God, for this gift of cutting hair and being able to serve your people.

*Photos by Connie Rock and Kristen

2 responses to “God’s Confirmation”

  1. Sarah Hoth! WOWY! God is doing a big thang! I love you so much and i am so proud of you! Im so glad that God really revealed himself to you! I can see the pure joy in that smile of yours up above in those pictures! You are so loved and a mighty encouragment to all of us back home! Way to be bold! Keep doing your things in Jesus name 🙂

  2. Dad and i just read your blog and we are so proud of you!!! Yu are an amazing girl !!!Anyone is lucky to have you in there lives Even though we may not understand alot of this stuff we see such a change in you and if it is making you happy and secure in your life than that as a mom and dad is all we can ask for.Love you tons