
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The Grand Palace:

They pour in to see the art, the statues, the temples. They pay money to see. They take pictures; they buy souvenirs. They arrive from all over and by the busloads… why?

Churches across the world, including America, can't keep their doors open. Many have to close. Why?

Where are all God's children? Why are we not coming out regularly by the bus load to assemble together to worship the King? Where has our desire and love for our Lord gone? What has happened to our first love?

Was He ever our first love?

Has our first love become our spouse, our friends, our children? Or is it our things or what we like to do (anything BUT worship God)?

Oh, Lord… forgive us if we have strayed or wandered even for a moment during our time here in Thailand. Draw us to yourself. May you be our first love. May a revival begin with us. May it begin now, here in Thailand, and may we all bring a revival back to our homes in America.

Stir our hearts, Lord. Let our love for you burn deep within our hearts. May you always be our first love. May we always put you first in all things.

Rats and Roaches:

Like most bugs and rodents, rats and roaches always seem to appear at the worst, most unexpected time. Now, one may ask, "Is there any a good time for a rat or roach?" Most people would probably answer, "No."

Well… maybe we need to remember rats and roaches are one of God's creations and serve a purpose. As we have seen some rats and roaches in just the first few days of our journey in Bangkok, I've felt God placed each one at a certain place and time for a purpose, even when the time and place was to run right in the path we walked on a dark night.

Somehow, although dark, we could see them, and scream, and get creeped out, I have to wonder "Why". Did we have our thoughts on ourselves and not God… and He wanted to get our attention? I'm not sure.

But, as we are able to see a rat or a roach in the darkness and move quickly away, will we also move quickly away from the sin that hides in the darkness?

My prayer is that "yes,", we will move quickly away from the sin and into the arms of our loving King.

*Photos by Connie Rock.