
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Sunday morning, my team and I started this morning in worship together at a beautiful Anglican Church in Bangkok followed by a Communion service.  What better way to begin a mission like this by worshipping our God in spirit and in truth.  Since we arrived I have felt an overwhelming since of heaviness due to all that is in this area. Although it was VERY different from what I am used to in my non-traditional church back home it was what we all needed.


In the darkness, God is here….


As I kneeled to take communion I was surrounded by beautiful Thai, Indian, European, Caucasian, African, people.  I was comforted at that moment thinking, “this is what the Kingdom of Heaven must truly look like.” The service today gave me even greater peace, the peace of God that surpasses all understanding.


After lunch at a wonderful Indian restaurant, my team and I walked and prayed through the Red Light District of Patpong.  The streets were pretty much vacant for now, with few people setting up here and there for the great traffic of people to flood the streets later on.  The bars (fetish, gay bars, strip clubs, etc) with perverse names were empty, which we are told will look totally different a few hours from now. It was comforting to see Rahab Ministries (one of Adventures in Missions Ministry Partners) in the middle of the Red Light District.  This is a ministry that teaches women another trade who want out of working in the bars.  As I walked through this area, I prayed for the long term missionaries that come here.  I also prayed that more laborers will be drawn to this place to continue to water the seeds that are planted this week. This ministry serves as another reminder that…

In the darkness, God is here…

Our goal is simply to BE the light, Christ is in the world. We are to be His hands and feet.  We are to be His mouthpiece. What we do is for His glory, not our own.


In the darkness, God is here….