
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The 1st night of our trip we had rain…

Ha Ha…. God has such a sense of humor!! But He is so cool by way He gave us tangible proof here on earth that He orders everything! But more than that He is opening the floodgates of Heaven! If we take a moment and think how the rain is so uncomfortable for most of us…. many will avoid getting out in it while some grab the umbrella, and some run, hoping not to get wet. I feel like God wants us all to feel the rain, not just run quickly from one place to another to keep from getting wet. Nor does He want us to be under an umbrella where we keep from feeling the rain…. But He wants us to walk, not run…. dance in it and leave the umbrella on the ground. He wants us to feel rain of His love and winds of his Sprit ….and the heartbeat of heaven!!

This trip is about women walking in freedom, not just the Thai women,  but each of us…. these are showers of mercy and grace ….falling on every face…. There is freedom! This trip is so about opening up ourselves and standing in the rain so that the floodgates of heaven can come down… and to be able to feel the presence of Father's love. It is in those moments the joy of the Son /sun will come!

I would challenge each of us to stand in the rain and open up and say, "Father, Let it Rain!"

One response to “Joy and LET IT RAIN!”

  1. That was beautifully said! God Bless you all on your journey there and may He bless all who you come across on your journey!