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LOVE, when we least expect it. – By Emily

We envoked beyond, upon a journey…8 strangers, 1 unfamiliar country, 1 discreet ministry, 1 dark community, and 1 silently screening Lucifer. 

Adventures’ description of the Thailand-Adult Asia Mission Trip included the words “human trafficking and sexual tourism” but never could I have prepared myself for what I would encounter night one within a red light district known as Pat Pong.
Walking down the Pat Pong Bazaar gazing at the items for sale by the locals, I feel the truth here in the neon lights towering the buildings. I see Lucifer literally in neon, as someone imagined him peering down upon everyone on the street. The further we go, bar signs bright labeling women’s body parts exciting men, separating the girl from her body…convincing men to act outside of their conscience. I pray desperately for God to put our team at the right place at the right time–and in we go!
The shock of multiple stimuli from one end of the bar to the other captured me in a state of awe rendering me grateful to our leader Connie for her soft verbal reminder “resting face”. I quickly learned smiling eyes are as important as the smiles we express with our mouths. My eyes told a warm story to girls without hope. Their curiosities were relayed through their eyes and the opportunities for us to share the mystery begins.
After sharing the subtle interaction with Connie, her discerning approval initiates contact with the mamason to allow the girl to sit with me and Connie buys her a coke. We begin by exchanging names, ages, her children’s ages if any, how long she’s been working there and anything else that comes to mind. By this time we are holding hands and laughing at the silliest things including the language struggle. I take one of my bracelets off and put it on her. Then I share the Christian message on it and explain who Christ is and His love for her. Language barrier and all, it was undeniable that Christ was present and this moment had been  designed perfectly. By the end of every encounter, I found myself genuinely embraced by a hope-filled child of God. 
Going into this mission I felt so tiny, a mere nothing in this vast world. I’ve learned to not underestimate the potential of a seed…the seed of hope, for I’ve seen and touched it. Chance I don’t believe in, but God’s sovereignty I do. Nothing is greater than the LOVE God orchestrates.