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When my faith gets tired and hope feels lost…

You spin me around and around and remind me of that song, the one You wrote for me…

Yes. My assignment. Just You and me. Wow. This whole trip has been a dance between us. You leading, me leaning into you. Leading and leaning. Leaning and leading. Waiting and moving. Moments of stillness where we lock eyes and I feel Your heartbeat. Moments of quicker movements where I have to trust Your leading completely. And I do, Lord!

Thank You for bringing me all the way to Thailand to show me the dance we dance together. To show your love to the hurting, broken, aching world around us. To the girls in the bars who don’t know that dance…yet. They only know a glimpse of Your love. Just a tiny glimpse!! (Not that I have the full picture, either, but you know…) It’s as if they’re looking through a peephole into the biggest, most extravagant room. They only see a small sliver. I’ve experienced the leaning and Your leading. They only know temporary. I know eternal. Oh how I long for them to KNOW and not just glimpse eternity. That they would TASTE it and feel it burn inside their hearts and souls!

Dance with me, dance with them, Lover of our souls! You created their inmost being! May they experience the sleeping and waking and everyday life-doing with You. The dance of life. Them leaning, You leading.

Oh that we would cease striving and learn to REST our head upon Your chest and just breathe. Breathe in the deep places of your heart. Inhaling more of you, exhaling more of us.

I see now, Lord. My eyes have been opened to more hurting and brokenness than I’ve ever seen. And I’m ruined for the better!! I will dedicate my life to fighting for them. Fighting for them to know the sweet Jesus I know. To know and experience the FREEDOM I know. To know and experience the GRACE I know.

And for the men. The men who are so lost and broken that they feel a need to pay for sex. She’s worth more, sir, and so are you.

By Keri Halvorson, Thailand Encounter trip participant, July 2014
Keri blogs at::