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"He will redeem them from oppression and violence, for their lives are precious to him," Psalm 72:14.

Redemptions Rings were an idea that came from the Lord out of my desire to work with girls being trafficked in Arizona and around the world. I started thinking about the word "ring" as I was wearing a wire ring my friend Stephanie made for me and how much it caused me to think of these girls trapped in this life. Here is this beautiful girl (the pearl) trapped in this wire cage.

Then God spoke to me the idea of Redemption Rings! What a beautiful picture to paint of these girls being "Redeemed" vs "Trafficked". I asked my friend if she would make me these to sell to raise money and awareness for my upcoming trafficking missions trip to Thailand and she graciously agreed. Every time a Redemption Ring is sold we make one for the buyer and give one to a girl being trafficked to share the Redemption story.

Most importantly it serves as a reminder to pray for these girls trapped in these vicious cycles and that they would be Redeemed by the one true living God who will never leave them nor forsake them!

Just last night we had the opportunity to give a group of working girls, and I do mean girls, redemption rings and tell them that to the Lord they are the beautiful pure white pearl and that they are worth Him giving up His one and only Son to redeem them. One girl, Bu-ah, had such a joyful and childlike spirit despite the horrors she has most likely been through, looked at us with tears in her eyes at the ring, and I couldn't help but think that she and many more girls like her have never been told they are worthy OF love instead of just being bought FOR lust. Pray the Lord continues to speak His love into their hearts and show them that true love is freely given by Him, because He has already, once and for all, paid the price through the blood of His Son.

*Photos by Connie Rock and Kristen

3 responses to “Pearl of Great Price”

  1. I LOVE my ring, I never take it off.

    My heart keeps praying asking God to please, some how, bring these girls out of this life and/or at least have them come to know you through these missions teams that are there. Only You can do this Lord.
    In your name, we pray. Amen…

    God’s continuous blessings for all of you…

  2. Rachael: How do I get a ring? What a wonderful idea you had. So meaningful and beautiful too. I want one.