
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


What would you do in a world where woman are forced into the sex trade every day? Where young children are sold so that a parent can feed the rest of their children? They are told that they are not worth anything, they are good for nothing, they have no worth. These woman and children are trapped in the lies that what they have been forced into is now who they are. This just breaks my heart! Its such a lie! These woman and children have people telling them every single day that there is no hope. Guess what? There is Hope! Jesus Christ came to give these woman and children hope, love, dreams, life! Lets show the Love of Jesus Christ in Thailand. Lets speak words of truth over these woman and children, let them know that God created them for a reason. Will you answer the call? Will you go and be a light in this dark place? Will you go and show the people of Thailand that they are loved?


You have the opportunity to come with Adventures Encounter to make a difference in the lives of many! Will you come on a short term trip to make a lasting impact?

Are you ready to go make a diffrence?  Are you an adult looking to go? Click Here!
Are you a youth 14 – 18 years old? Do you want to go make a diffrence in the life of someone in Thailand? Click Here!