– By TC Jones
A Few days before I left for my missions trip to Thailand God gave me many
dreams of women crying out in the darkness that they could not move from.
However, these cries were different. I noticed the mouths of the women were
closed, but yet loud screams were coming out of each. Not understanding what or
why I was dreaming this I prayed and moved on to prepared for my trip.
The first night we were in Thailand to do ministry with AIM I was with
Connie and a few other women. We went into a bar and introduced ourselves to
many women. These women seemed to be laughing, dancing, enjoying the music
and the lights. God immediately spoke and the dreams I had of women became real,
but now had faces. I again heard the silent screams of the women. It became so
loud that I wanted to make it stop.
God gave me a word. Even though people don’t hear their silent screams, I
do! Imagine God hearing the world scream. Crying out for him to help the pain,
hurt, and sorrow. Even though the hurt can’t physically scram in the dark God hears
their cries.
Psalms 18:6
“In my distress I called to the Lord; I cried to my God for help. From his
temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears.”