
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

First off, let me start by saying that Thailand is amazing!
Yesterday was a day I’m sure I’ll never forget. Our team walked through the Pat Pong district – one of the most popular Red Light districts in the world. There were people anywhere and everywhere trying to sell everything you can imagine.

Last night I had the privilege of meeting one of the women who makes a living selling items in the Pat Pong district. She told me us was stressed about how her family was affected by the flood. We asked if we could pray for her and with the biggest smile, she agreed. As I held this woman’s hand, all I could feel was the joy coming from her, the kind of joy only God can give.

I was so encouraged by this beautiful woman. Here she is, smack dab in the middle of a place so evil, yet she has so much joy. Meeting her made me do a self-check and I urge you to do the same. In our society, it’s all about the next bigger and better thing; what we have is never enough. This is something I’ve been convicted of time and time again.
So I challenge you, in what—or where, or who—do you find your joy? Is it in material goods, a significant other, or is it in Christ? There is no greater gift than the love of Christ!
“Yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will be joyful in God my Savior.” – Habbakuk 3:4

*Photos by Connie Rock.

3 responses to “Source of Joy”

  1. Keep pushin Sarah! Im sooo proud of you!!!!! Gods got huge plans for you in Thailand and i am praying for you so much! Cant wait to hear all the stories when you return 🙂

  2. God is doing great work through you Sarah. Keep smiling and singing the praises of God. Love you. Be safe. Uncle Jeff

  3. Kayla, I am so very proud of you and thank God he has chosen you to spread his word. Love Mom