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Thoughts & Inspiration

Being that this was my first missions trip, a minute hasn't passed that I haven't learned and grown.

Yesterday the lesson revolved around trusting God and optimism in His power. The team met a man who had been handicapped since birth on Thursday… but his kindness was anything but handicapped. He offered guidance, wisdom, and security to us, becoming a protective brother immediately.

Today, our last day, a couple of us wanted to return to where we met him to give him a Bible. Because he can read English but not Thai, I was going to give him my Bible. He wasn't there and my soul was dampened! I left it with regular attendees of his bar, asking them to give it to him the next time they see him.

I was slightly discouraged at first, but after a while I realized I must trust God because He is in control. Even if our dear friend does not receive the Bible, it will reach the right place, at the right time, to the right person. God is good all of the time!

*Photo by Connie Rock.