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Thoughts & Inspiration

“As you learn more and more how God works, you will learn how to do your work.” –Colossians 1:9-10 (The Message).

The more I learn how God works, the more my ‘ministry’ approach grows. I have become more aware of opportunities we can utilize as Christians in sharing Christ with others. It’s one thing for us to approach others with the Good News of Jesus’ love, and it’s another when others actually approach us– whether it be the appeal of what we are wearing, doing or saying, our model height, contagious smile, big beautiful or colorful eyes, or our lovely hair. No matter what it may be, what an open door we have to share Jesus’ love with those who approach us about something that He has blessed us with. All glory should go to Jesus because all beauty, uniqueness, good and creativeness that is within us is because of Jesus—we were made in the image.

Every since I have let my hair be natural (which is beyond curly), it has been a people magnet! And lets just say that now that I am in Thailand, my hair and exceptionally dark skin have been an easy attraction to many here in Thailand. 

While at the market yesterday, a tuk-tuk driver approached me. He commented on my hair and said he liked it. I replied, “very different, right?” And he smiled real big and touched it. He asked where I was from and proceeded to tell me about a tour he could take me on around town on his tuk-tuk, in which I would be able to see many things including a big Buddha and temple. I questioned him on the temple etc, and asked him if it had any flooding. As we spoke more about the temple and Buddha, I asked, “Do you believe in Buddha?” He replied “yes,” and I asked Him if Buddha loves him. He paused, and said, “I like Buddha,” and proceeded to try to sell me on a ride around town on his tut-tut. I said, well, I believe in Jesus, and I know that Jesus loves you, and I love you too because of Jesus. When I told him that I loved him too. He smiled really big and his demeanor changed. He became less about giving me a ride on his tuk-tuk and was glued to me. I asked him if I could pray for him and proceeded with a short prayer with him. He gave me a big thanks, as we proceeded with small talk. He did not want me to leave. I love how Jesus is so contagious!

A basic conversation about my hair turned in to a basic prayer. It’s just as it says in Colossians 1:28 (The Message), “To be mature is to be basic. Christ! No more, no less.”

On this missions trip, I have been especially reminded to utilized the obligation we have to make the most of every opportunity…

“Use your heads as you live and work among outsiders. Don’t miss a trick. Make the most of every opportunity. Be gracious in your speech. The goal is to bring out the best in others in a conversation, not put them down, not cut them out.” -Colossians 4:5-6 (The Message)


*Photo by Kristen

One response to “Tuk-Tuk Man”

  1. So thankful for the opportunity that God is giving you to touch hearts! Yes, let God’s love be contagious!
    Praying for you all