
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

It is weird to think that you can walk down a street during the day and the same street at night and it would feel as if you were is two completely different locations. During the day, it is quiet and there are rarely any people around, almost as if it were a ghost town.  At night, the place comes to life with load music, bright lights, and the streets are overcrowded with people.

picture taken by Connie Rock

Thailand is located in Southeast Asia, and is bordered by Burma, Laos, and Cambodia.  This kingdom is home to 64 million people who primarily speak Thai and it is a beautiful place to visit. Unfortunately, the red light district in some of the cities attracts an ugly form of tourism: women, children, and men from Thailand and other nations are exploited as prostitutes.  We call this Human Trafficking or even Modern Slavery.  How can a place that has so much beauty be in such a dark place?

If you have ever heard the song “God of This City” by Chris Tomlin, it talks about how God is the light in darkness, hope to the hopeless, and peace to the restless.  God knows what is happening and He has so much for this city and for this country, not to mention the whole world.  God wants to share His love with each person that is imprisoned in this slavery.  He is at work and red light districts which are eventually gong to crumble; they are going to be filled with churches and places to worship God.  This song has been my continued prayer for Thailand and even other parts of the world.

Pray for the children that get sold every day and shipped off to some far off place so men can have sex with a “virgin”, pray for the women who can’t escape because they owe money to some pimp and the police look the other way when given a bribe, pray for the men when society looks down on them because they feel as if they are a woman trapped in a man’s body, pray for the men that are pimps or sell the girls that God will just show up in their lives.