
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


Prayer is a topic our team has focused on and tried to practice on this trip–particularly the art of "Listening Prayer" (learning to not only talk to God, but to listen and receive words from the Holy Spirit). We are experiencing the strength and joy prayer brings to our hearts when we are weary. We are learning to wait and TRUST that God will answer us. We are being stretched to OBEY the leading of the Holy Spirit in our day-to-day choices.

In our ministry, there is the constant pull to pray and "change" these girls' situations–as if in our efforts we could change the hurt from their pasts and give them a new future. Alone, no one can be fully healed. But by the beauty and ability of Christ's love, healing is very possible. This is a truth we are learning to believe more fully in our hearts and our actions.

For instance, as we were praying and walking one day, the Holy Spirit put on my heart the story of Rahab. I suddenly remember how the point of Caleb and Joshua's visit to Rahab's house was in preparation for the conquering of the wall of Jericho. This was a literal, physical battle that took place, but also the one rooted deeply in the spiritual realm.

The Israelites were commanded to walk around Jericho, proclaiming who God was. The attitudes of their hearts, that was commanded by God, was trust. I can't see all that is going on in the spiritual realm in Phat Phong, but I do know that God is able to work through something as simple as a prayer and smile. As we walk and pray as other teams have led the way before us, God has moved in ways that those teams have literally prayed for. How cool to be part of those continuing what has already began!

On Phat Phong 1 is a bar called "Lucifer". The sign, depicting him, stands over the entire street, higher and larger than all of the other signs. There is also a statue of him that Connie says used to stand out in the middle of the marketplace last October. In May, she noticed that the statue was pushed farther back, just standing in the entrance of the bar. But that first night we were walking and praying in the market, we noticed that the bar was dark, and through the half-opened door we could see the statue of Lucifer sitting in the shadows in a corner. The statue almost looked to be pouting. In that moment, the joy of the Lord was on us as we laughed and praised God for all He is doing.

Yes, there are real and tangible things to be done here to help these people, but the power of prayer is something just as needed.

I tell this to you in hopes that those who have felt drawn to pray for our time here–God is hearing our prayers. Whether we are in Thailand or the U.S or answhere, the Lord is breaking down walls (just as the Israelites and Jericho), showing His light and love to the people of Phat Pong. To those of you who have gone before, God is still answering your prayers here.

Thank you to everyone for joining together with us in this ministry of prayer. We are continuing to the believe that God will move and accomplish the mission of love He began on the cross and set these people free.

*Photos by Kristen.