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Thoughts & Inspiration

From Amanda Neudorf:

Hopelessness. Insecurity. Shame. Fear. Pain. Brokenness. Feeling Used. Worth Nothing. Numbness.

These are the things I see in the faces of women in the bars as they are dancing. There is bondage… imprisonment in this job.

I cannot help but identify. I have bought into lies numerous times and felt those exact same things. But there IS something greater.

The Lord has been saying that He loves us no less, and the the feeling of His love is so great that it takes all the others away.

Psalm 86:13 spoke to me about this and I claim it over myself and others. His love is great for me and all those women He will rescue. We don't need to live in bondage anymore.

So I choose to step out.

Will you come with me?

From Joyce Mudymba:
God of the City #Bangkok

A few days ago this song kept ringing in my head throughout my morning devotions. As I reflected on the darkness that surrounds this city and the brokeness of the Thai people, I was reminded that our God is God of this city! As this song played over and over and over again in my head, I began to sing the chorus out loud "Greater things are yet to come, Greater things are still to be done in the this city". As I repeated that quite a few times, I felt an unexplainable peace. See, because sex tourism is such a huge part of this city, I became overwhelmed and couldn't help but wonder how our ministry was "effective". And in my moment of doubts, the Lord just silenced my thoughts and reminded me that "He was still God of this city! He is still Lord over Bangkok. There is no darkness He cannot overcome, no brokeness He cannot mend. He is still God of Bangkok." Just hearing these words in my spirit not only gave me an incredible peace, I was also reassured because I know that the Lord still cares and loves Bangkok and the nation of Thailand unconditionally.

Today, I no longer have doubts about the effectiveness of our ministry here because this I know "He who began the good work in Bangkok/Thailand, will certainly carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus" – Philippians 1:6.

From Kathy Ayers:
What an amazing time in Thailand. I am so very thankful to be a part of this special team. "May the God of hope fill you so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit" Romans 13:13. Jesus is our hope here and everywhere! I'm so thankful.

One response to “What God is Doing”

  1. It is so good to hear something from Thailand! I just wanted to thank you all for posting your thoughts. I want to especially thank Joyce for sharing her doubts as I too have wondered how “effective” this ministry can be. When you read how widespread this disease called sex trafficking is, you begin to wonder how it can be stopped. Just this morning as I was praying for all of you, I prayed that if at least one young lady may hear this week that she is valuable beyond measure and has the opportunity to know what true love is from her heavenly Father then your whole trip will be worth it. May God be with all of you as you share that with the ones you meet.

    Joyce Parnell
    (Aimee’s Mom)