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Ever look in a mirror and think “I’m not good enough”? What if that wasn’t just a thought in your head but what you heard daily from the people around you? This is many women’s lives in Thailand.

But you hold the truth. You know how each of us was wonderfully and fearfully made with a great purpose. With this truth on your mission trip to Thailand, you will hold the key to transforming the lies of the world into the truth of the kingdom. You can eradicate the slavery that women have fallen into.  Introduce love to those who feel forgotten and neglected.  Deliver a message of hope to the people in the “Land of Smiles” and give them something to smile about through His joy.
Are you 18 or older and want to go to Thailand on a mission trip? Click Here
Are you 12-18 and want to know what a mission trip to Thailand holds for you? Click Here