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Peace & Trust

PEACE & TRUST by Emily Loedding Two words frequently on my heart the entire trip. Before I arrived in Bangkok I was torn with anger & anxiety – two things I normally wouldn’t use … Read more about Peace & Trust

Busy Bees

Busy Bees by Janet Gerow  As we walked and prayed through the Grand Palace most of the activity among the tourists nationals was different this time. In a continued mourning period for the king, … Read more about Busy Bees

Dessert Menu

Dessert Menu by Janet Gerow Desserts come in so many varieties. There are brownies, ice cream, cookies, pie. Some people even look at fruit or specialty coffee as “dessert”. Ministry … Read more about Dessert Menu


GARBAGE by, Janet Gerow Today, in Thailand - was garbage pick up day. I noticed this as we sat in our taxi behind the garbage truck. We slowly crept down the road. I watched different vendors bring … Read more about Garbage